Open a Simulation
How to open an existing EMode simulation.
This code example is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.
import emodeconnection as emc
## Run an initial session with a unique simulation name.
# Set simulation parameters
wavelength = 1970 # [nm] wavelength
dx, dy = 10, 5 # [nm] resolution
trench = 1200 # [nm] waveguide side trench width
t_clad = 1200 # [nm] waveguide top/bot clad
b_clad = 1500 # [nm] waveguide top/bot clad
w_core = 1734 # [nm] waveguide core width
h_core = 150 # [nm] waveguide core height
h_slab = 20 # [nm] slab thickness in etched areas
angle = 17 # [degrees] waveguide sidewall angle
width = w_core + trench*2 # [nm] window width
height = h_core + b_clad + t_clad # [nm] window height
num_modes = 1 # [nm] number of modes
boundary = 'TE'
# Connect and initialize EMode
em = emc.EMode(simulation_name = 'GaAs_SHG')
# Settings
wavelength = wavelength,
x_resolution = dx, y_resolution = dy,
window_width = width, window_height = height,
boundary_condition = boundary, num_modes = num_modes,
background_refractive_index = "Air")
# Draw shapes
em.shape(name = "BOX", refractive_index = "SiO2", height=b_clad)
em.shape(name = "core", refractive_index = "GaAs", angle=angle, mask=w_core, height=h_core, etch_depth=h_core-h_slab)
# Launch FDM solver
## The previous simulated can be opened again, modified, and saved with a new name.
# Open existing simulation file
em = emc.EMode(simulation_name = 'GaAs_SHG',
open_existing= True, new_name = 'GaAs_SHG-TM')
# Get the previous wavelength setting and convert it to the second harmonic wavelength
wavelength = em.get('wavelength')/2
n_eff = em.get('effective_index')
# Update the settings
em.settings(wavelength = wavelength,
boundary_condition = 'TM', num_modes = 1,
max_effective_index = n_eff[0])
# Launch FDM solver
## When opening an existing file to only retrieve and plot data, a new simulation name is not needed since the simulation data will not be modified.
# Plot from existing simulation file - pump mode
em = emc.EMode(simulation_name = 'GaAs_SHG',
open_existing= True)
E_p = em.get(key = ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez'])
# Plot from existing simulation file - signal mode
em = emc.EMode(simulation_name = 'GaAs_SHG-TM',
open_existing= True)
E_s = em.get(key = ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez'])
TM_indices = em.get('TM_indices')
em.plot(component = 'Ey', mode = TM_indices)
%% Run an initial session with a unique simulation name.
% Set simulation parameters
wavelength = 1970; % [nm] wavelength
dx = 10; dy = 5; % [nm] resolution
trench = 1200; % [nm] waveguide side trench width
t_clad = 1200; % [nm] waveguide top/bot clad
b_clad = 1500; % [nm] waveguide top/bot clad
w_core = 1734; % [nm] waveguide core width
h_core = 150; % [nm] waveguide core height
h_slab = 20; % [nm] slab thickness in etched areas
angle = 17; % [degrees] waveguide sidewall angle
width = w_core + trench*2; % [nm] window width
height = h_core + b_clad + t_clad; % [nm] window height
num_modes = 1; % [nm] number of modes
boundary = 'TE';
% Connect and initialize EMode
em = emodeconnection(simulation_name = 'GaAs_SHG');
% Settings
em.settings( ...
'wavelength', wavelength, ...
'x_resolution', dx, 'y_resolution', dy, ...
'window_width', width, 'window_height', height, ...
'boundary_condition', boundary, 'num_modes', num_modes, ...
'background_refractive_index', 'Air');
% Draw shapes
em.shape('name', 'BOX', 'refractive_index', 'SiO2', 'height', b_clad);
em.shape('name', 'core', 'refractive_index', 'GaAs', 'angle', angle, ...
'mask', w_core, 'height', h_core, 'etch_depth', h_core-h_slab);
% Launch FDM solver
%% The previous simulated can be opened again, modified, and saved with a new name.
% Open existing simulation file
em = emodeconnection('simulation_name', 'GaAs_SHG', ...
'open_existing', true, 'new_name', 'GaAs_SHG-TM');
% Get the previous wavelength setting and convert it to the second harmonic wavelength
wavelength = em.get('wavelength')/2;
n_eff = em.get('effective_index');
% Update the settings
em.settings('wavelength', wavelength, ...
'boundary_condition', 'TM', 'num_modes', 1, ...
'max_effective_index', n_eff(1));
% Launch FDM solver
%% When opening an existing file to only retrieve and plot data, a new simulation name is not needed since the simulation data will not be modified.
% Plot from existing simulation file - pump mode
em = emodeconnection('simulation_name', 'GaAs_SHG', ...
'open_existing', true);
E_p = em.get('key', ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez']);
% Plot from existing simulation file - signal mode
em = emodeconnection('simulation_name', 'GaAs_SHG-TM', ...
'open_existing', true);
E_s = em.get('key', ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez']);
TM_indices = em.get('TM_indices');
em.plot('component', 'Ey', 'mode', TM_indices(1));
Console output:
EMode 0.1.1 - email
Meshing... completed in 0.4 sec
Solving... completed in 1.9 sec
Wavelength: 1970.0 nm
Mode # n_eff TE % Loss (dB/m)
-------- -------- ------ -------------
TE-0 2.117392 99.8 % 0.000
Exited EMode
EMode 0.1.1 - email
Meshing... completed in 0.5 sec
Solving... completed in 1.3 sec
Wavelength: 985.0 nm
Mode # n_eff TE % Loss (dB/m)
-------- -------- ------ -------------
TM-0 2.117345 1.1 % 0.000
Exited EMode
EMode 0.1.1 - email
Exited EMode
EMode 0.1.1 - email
Exited EMode